Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Working from Home

The past two days have been pretty crazy! We had a crazy storm come through Sunday night and caused major flooding on Monday and Tuesday. As a result of this the local schools were closed, which means daycare was closed too...which means we had to work from home. (p.s. I didn't know if school was closed, daycare would be closed #newmomproblems)

Working from home is pretty hard with a 1yr old. She did take some long naps which REALLY helped me get some things done!

{Creek near my house, Photo by Victor Molitor}

{Flooding in the Houston area, photos take off news site and Facebook}
{this is what working from home looks like}
We did have to go for a little drive so I could get her to fall asleep but it was quick and she napped for 45 minutes or so and I was able to get a lot of work done. It was pretty hard though, and your boss has to know you're really part-timing it since you have to feed, change and sooth your little ones multiple times a day.

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