Saturday, March 25, 2017

This Sort of Thing Always Happens to Us...

On our 3rd full day in Maui we decided to try a short hike with Alana in tow. We left our hotel in the late morning and headed out on highway 30/340 around the northwest side of the island. Our hiking destination was the Waihee Ridge Trail. Soon after we left our hotel the road turned into a one-lane road (similar to the Hana Highway) which we didn't know. As we white knuckle it the 23 miles down the road (but about an hour drive) we reached Kaukini Art Gallery. We stopped in to stretch our legs, buy a few things and have a snack before we continued on our way. We finally made it to the trail head when we see a sign..."trail closed for maintenance" are you FREAKING kidding me?!

{views from the Kaukini Art Gallery}
C'est la vie. There was nothing we could do. So we continued back to two lane roads and stopped at the Maui Ocean Center to give Alana something to do and walk around. I thought the admission prices were a bit steep but its Maui so they will get you where they can.

The Ocean Center was great for young kids, she loved seeing all the fish and running around after being in the car for so long.

When we finally made it back to our hotel, after looping the entire west side of the island, it was time to relax by the pool and figure out what to do for dinner. I was craving pizza but there wasn't any place that was going to deliver...The Ritz was just too far for that. So I drove to a little pub called Dollie's to pick us up some cheap eats and it hit the spot!

The day was not as planned but it was still a great day!

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Read about our first day here - Our First Family Vacation -

For our second day in Maui we really had no plans, other than mommy and daddy were going to dinner...ALONE!

I woke up and went for a run which was amazing! Then our breakfast feast was delivered to our room. I am not one to order room service but I really wanted this coconut french toast! After indulging ourselves we headed to Makaluapuna Point (or the Dragon's Tooth Trail). Kapalua Labyrinth is also located on this point. We continued our walk to Oneloa Beach to watch the waves before returning to the hotel for some pool time.

We decided to hire a babysitter recommended by the hotel to watch Alana while Matt and I went to dinner. When we go to Maui we always visit Kimo's so we can enjoy the best pie on the planet... Hula Pie! One of the couples sitting next to use was impressed that I had ordered ribs and the pie, lol. I really only ate half the ribs because what I really had come there for was dessert!

After dinner had time to walk up and down Front Street and do a little shopping. We picked up some Christmas ornaments and some art before heading back to the hotel.

What are some of your favorite eats on vacation?!