Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Wisconsin Life Update

Wow, there I go dropping off the face of the blogging world again! I actually started to type this post at the end of November!!! What have we been up to?! Well we finally moved into our new house in Wisconsin! YAY!!!! We moved in back in October and things have been busy, busy, busy ever since!

Along with moving, unpacking, painting and day-to-day life I have also gone back to a 9-5er. I started in November and things are going well. I have gotten back into running; waking up at 4:20 2-3 days a week to run before work. I met an awesome group of ladies that help stay me motivated. I started running with this group of ladies back in October and I'm still there running in the morning. Even in -9 degree F temperature (-26 degrees with the windchill! BURRR!!!). I have also started my own bunco group.

So lets recap a few things with some pictures!

Alana and I did a Mommy and Me photo shoot which turned out amazing! She also took some school pictures that turned out ADORABLE! For Halloween Alana was Cindy-Lou-Who from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Matt was suppose to be The Grinch but he didn't think dressing up was worth the effort since we only went to one house! I was just another Who from Whoville.

Thanksgiving was great! We spent in with new friends here in Wisconsin and we really enjoyed ourselves. I was in a rather creative mood and made some pretty darn good looking cupcakes and a cornucopia out of French bread. I'm hoping to get a blog post about both of these soon.

In early December we had our first real snow and we got our new puppy! An English Bulldog named Daisy. When Christmas came around we had a full house! My family (parents and brother) came up and so did my in-laws. We were so thankful and blessed that everyone got to come up and see our new house and spend time with Alana.

Next we are gearing up for more visitors - my best friend from Texas and her family are coming up to visit us this weekend! We're getting dumped on by snow at the moment so the timing is perfect!

Thanks for reading and hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday season!